
In the Oki Islands Geopark, we have education programs designed for each developmental stage. During play or study, local children develop knowledge about the geology, living things, and history and culture of the Oki Islands, and deepen their understanding of their region. Through this education program, we provide support for educational contents as well as dispatching lecturers upon request.

Oki Islands Geopark Education Program

Example of Preschool Activities

We created geopark picture-story shows so that children can take interest in the region's creatures, rocks, and culture while playing. The picture-story shows are used in local libraries, day cares, and other preschool childcare facilities.

Geopark Picture-Story Show
"Oki Dandelion Little Puff's Adventure"
Reading at a Kindergarten in Ama Town

Example of Elementary School Activities

Let's Learn About Geohistory

We created education programs for children to learn about the geology, living things, and culture of the Oki Islands region. These programs are easy to use within already existing elementary school classes, and are each designed to fit their respective teaching unit's curriculum. They are carried out with support from the Geopark Management Bureau alongside our lecturer dispatch program.

3rd Year Students

4th Year Students

6th Year Students

Example of Junior High School Activities

Researching Marine Debris on the Coast

In local junior high schools, the education program leads students to learn more deeply about the region's nature and environmental issues. In addition, geopark education adjusted to meet the needs of the junior high schools' curriculum is also carried out.

Example of Senior High School Activities

Geopark Study Course

In local senior high schools, students develop a deeper understanding of the nature and the environmental issues the Oki Islands face. At the same time, they rediscover the value of their hometown, fostering their love for the region. We cooperate with the local high schools and provide support alongside each school's curriculum.

“The Nature and People of the Oki Islands” Workbook
An Environmental Education Program Utilizing the National Park and the Geopark

Teaching aids used in this workbook, such as photographs and samples, are available to borrow at the Daisen-Oki National Park Oki Ranger Station and the Oki Islands Geopark Management Bureau offices.
Please be aware that all programs might not be available at all times due to their limited numbers. We ask for your understanding.
Please feel free to contact us with questions concerning the workbook and teaching aids.

About Lecturer Dispatch Program

We hope that by learning about the nature, history, and culture of the Oki Islands, the local children will grow love and pride for their hometown. To foster this love and pride, we carry out a Lecturer Dispatch Program to support educational activities in the region.