Unique Ecosystem - Marine Life
The yellowtail amberjack is a migratory fish that lives in intermediate to deep areas of coastal waters. It is about 120 cm in length, growing to 2.5 m at maximum. In 2008, a yellowtail amberjack the size of 1.55 m and weighing 32 kg was caught in a set of pound nets in the Yui area of Okinoshima Town.
The fish is often caught using pound nets and a method called shiira-tsuke. Shiira-tsuke is a method that takes advantage of the habit of mahi mahi and other migratory fish, where the school gathers around floating objects in the sea. Tsuke is a manmade bamboo float, and fish gathering around the float are caught using a net.
Compared to the Japanese amberjack (Seriola quinqueradiata), it is flatter on the sides (fillet), the body is longer and straighter, and its yellow stripe runs parallel like a straight grain (masa in Japanese), gaining the fish its Japanese name hiramasa.
Scientific Name
Seriola lalandi
Family Carangidae
From Tohoku Region to Amami Islands, Bonin Islands, Subtropical seas around the world
Large Fish: Spring–Summer
Young Fish: Year Round